Startup Accelerator

Our startup accelerator investment is here to assist those looking to startup a new business and would like to do so in partnership with our company.

What we can offer

Initial Startup Funding

We can supply funding of anywhere between £5,000 - £150,000 per business. This is typically in exchange for a negoatiable % equity share in the business.

Salary Guarantee from Day 1

One of the biggest obstacles to someone looking to startup a new business is bridging the financial gap following leaving a paid job, to the new startup getting off the ground. Our startup funding is able to include the security that you will be paid an agreed salary from day 1, and for a fixed period of time, regardless of how quickly the business begins to generate a profit. This takes the focus away from having to think about personal bills/expenses, and on to growing the business.

Business framework

Most potential business owners we team up with tend to understand their product/service and customer exceptionally well, but are not experienced in the process of starting/scaling a business.

We can advise and assist in all matters including company structure, HMRC obligations, web development, payment solutions, accountancy, legal considerations, insurance, brand identity and financial forecasting.

On-going strategy and reporting

Beyond the initial startup phase, we have the software and experience to be able to regularly feedback and discuss with you the business progress alongside the objectives and goals we will have set out at the beginning. This will include profit and loss, balance sheets and cash flow forecasting, as well as discussions on new potential areas for future growth.

Growth Plans

Once the business is established and profitable, we will be on hand to guide you with big strategic decisions, acquisition possibilities, and a potential future exit (sale) of the business, if desired.

What we look for:

Remove our involvement in the day to day operation

Time is always the limiting factor for us when starting, investing and managing businesses, and we like to be up front about what we can and cannot offer.

Typically when launching a new startup, the requirement on our time is heavy during the 1-2 months leading up to launch, and then there is a gradual decline as the business becomes established.

An important part of this is therefore being able to see a clear path where you no longer need us in the basic day to day operation of the business.

Clear growth potential

Collapsible row

Collapsible row

What’s next!

Step 1: Get in touch!

First of all, let us know who you are and what you are looking to achieve. The best way to do this is to send an email to From there, if it’s something of interest to us we will arrange either a call or a meeting to discuss the opportunity further.

Step 2: Initial Meeting

Following your initial email, we will send you a list with a few things we would like to discuss further with you during our initial meeting.

Step 3: Back and Forth

Beyond the initial meeting, there tends to be back and forth over a period anywhere between a few days to a few months (depending on the complexities involved) where questions and answers are exchanged. This is a key period where we outline in writing our objectives for the business, aligning expectations of each other, and setting out an initial strategy.

Step 4: The Offer

Once all questions and answers have been exchanged, a decision will be made as to whether or not we are going to make an offer to start a business with you.

Step 5: Launch (The Exciting Part!)

Presuming an offer is made and is acceptable to you, the real work can begin! Final legal paperwork will be exchanged, funding will be sent over to a new business bank account, and the work begins.